Strategic Federal And State Criminal Defense

San Diego State student arrested, may face weapons charges

On Behalf of | Nov 8, 2012 | Weapons Crimes |

In today’s cultural climate law enforcement agents throughout the United States take weapons charges very seriously. With so many school shootings and workplace shootings, the recent assault in Aurora, Colorado and the fear of terrorism, it is all too easy to get caught up in the web of fear that permeates the country. That is why it is so important for those facing charges for state or federal firearms offenses to contact a defense attorney immediately.

In a recent case, a young California man might face weapons charges after police officers found firearms in the trunk of the young man’s car. According to reports, the San Diego State student attracted the attention of police officers that were conducting a sting of minors attempting to buy alcohol. After the young man opened his trunk, the police officers found military-grade weapons, which included a modified sniper rifle, a handgun and a rifle.

The specific details of the arrest or the basis for the police officer’s search have not been released. What is known is that the officers at the shopping center gave the young man a field sobriety test and police later arrested him on suspicion of drunk driving. Furthermore, although the 20-year-old student has not been charged with the possession of prohibited weapons, local authorities say that the student may still face weapons charges.

Much is yet to be known about this case. In particular, it is important for whoever represents the young man to look closely at the circumstances leading up to the search of the his vehicle. The basis for searching a vehicle is significantly less than the necessary grounds for searching a person’s home. But, law enforcement must still have a reasonable basis. If the search is arbitrary, all of the evidence may be inadmissible.

Source: Fox News, “California student faces charges after cache of military-grade weapons found in his car,” Oct. 28, 2012

