Many Californians work in occupations where they are entrusted with the funds of others. Whether the company’s or investors’, it is expected these funds will be protected and used appropriately. Unfortunately, sometimes money goes missing, and when it does, the person to whom it was entrusted may find himself or herself at the center of a federal investigation.
A Corona woman found herself the subject of such an investigation and was recently taken into custody on wire fraud charges. According to authorities, the accused, who is an executive at a designer blue jeans company, encouraged two men from Georgia to invest with her, but when they gave her nearly $24,000, she used their money for own expenses. The accused was out on bond in connection with another fraud complaint where the she allegedly committed identity theft and hid assets during a bankruptcy.
This woman could face significant penalties if convicted. For the wire fraud charge related to the Georgia men’s investments, she could receive up to 20 years in prison. For the charges related to the bankruptcy fraud, she could be hit with a maximum statutory sentence of 489 years. With perhaps the rest of her life on the line, this woman needs competent criminal defense representation.
Criminal allegations related to white collar crimes are serious, and are prosecuted as such. However, an experienced, diligent, and aggressive attorney may be able to help an accused individual fight the charges. By gathering as much information about the situation as possible, utilizing the law, and negotiating with prosecutors, a defense attorney may be able to get charges reduced or dropped, or obtain an acquittal at trial. It is often a long, hard fight, but with so much on the line, many defendants have nothing to lose.
Source: The Press Enterprise, “Corona: Blue-jean retailer from Corona charged in U.S. District Court with wire fraud,” Debra Gruszecki, July 2, 2014