Strategic Federal And State Criminal Defense

Fresno men face federal drug crime charges, serious penalties

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2014 | Drug Trafficking

Two Fresno men were recently taken into custody for alleged federal drug crimes. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the two men conspired to sell methamphetamine to confidential sources at a price of $1,000 per pound. Authorities allege a purchase was arranged and, when the accused individuals arrived with five pounds of methamphetamine, they were arrested. The men now face federal charges for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine and possession with the intent to distribute.

If convicted, these two men could face serious penalties. Each defendant could face up to 20 in prison and a fine of up to $1 million. Such penalties would not only strip these men of their freedom, but it could ruin them financially and devastate their lives post-prison. When an individual has a criminal record that involves drug possession, intent to distribute, or drug trafficking, it is often difficult for him or her to find employment, housing, and obtain an education.

With so much on the line, those accused of federal drug trafficking and other federal drug crimes cannot afford to sit idly while an aggressive case is built against them. Instead, these individuals should do everything they can to fight the allegations and escape the ordeal with as little or no punishment. In many instances, defendants can benefit from the legal know-how of an experienced California defense attorney.

There are essentially two routes to approach drug charges. First, an accused individual can claim innocence, whereby he or she and his or her attorney will gather all possible evidence, witnesses, and law to support an acquittal. This often requires a defendant to go to trial. The second option is to negotiate a plea deal. Though this might not be ideal, an experienced defense attorney may be able to get prosecutors to knock years off a sentence, allowing a defendant to get back to his or her life as quickly as possible.

Determining which route to go is completely up to an accused individual. Yet, it may be beneficial to speak with an attorney to become fully informed about what each option entails and means for the accused’s specific case.

Source: The Imperial Valley News, “Fresno Men Indicted in Methamphetamine Distribution Conspiracy,” Aug. 7, 2014