Strategic Federal And State Criminal Defense

Is it against the law to mail a gun?

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2014 | Weapons Crimes |

You might think that, so long as you purchase a gun legally, you can send it to whomever you want. However, this is not the case. The federal government has placed numerous restrictions on the transport and shipping of firearms, and those who run afoul of these laws can be charged with a serious federal firearms offense. Therefore, it is in your best interest to know the law as best as possible before mailing a gun to another individual.

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a non-licensed gun owner cannot transfer or mail a gun to a non-licensed resident in another state. A rifle or a shotgun can be mailed to a resident within the same state as the purchaser, or to a licensed individual in another state, but a non-licensed individual who ships a gun to another non-licensed individual in another state is breaking the law. It is also okay to ship a gun to oneself in another state so long as the gun’s purpose is lawful.

There are numerous laws surrounding gun shipment. The purpose of these laws is to stem the flow of illegal guns across our country. While the effort is admirable, sometimes in results in unfair criminal charges being levied against innocent Californians or excessively severe charges being filed against another citizen. In either case, it is important to fight the charges in an attempt to avoid the harsh penalties that can be imposed by a federal criminal conviction.

Luckily, those living in California have the ability to find experienced and competent attorneys who are ready and willing to help them fight federal gun crime charges. These legal professionals can help negotiate for lesser charges or gather evidence and witness testimony to attempt to obtain an acquittal, depending on the circumstances. Since every criminal case is different, it is important to not rely on this article for legal advice, and to instead speak with an attorney who may be right for you.

Source: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, “Firearms – Frequently Asked Questions – Unlicensed Persons,” accessed on Sept. 26, 2014

