Strategic Federal And State Criminal Defense

Women sentenced to prison in embezzlement case

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2018 | Embezzlement

A woman who had been convicted on charges relating to embezzlement was sentenced to two years and eight months in a California women’s prison. She was accused of falsification of corporate books and state income tax evasion, as she failed to report the embezzled income on her tax returns.

The 48-year-old woman worked as a bookkeeper for a Stockton company and was arrested in June 2017. She was accused of embezzling nearly $500,000 over the nine years she worked at the corporation. She allegedly took the money from the company in a number of ways. She set up an electronic debit to pay her monthly home mortgage in addition to forging checks for personal expenses and creating electronic debits and drafts that actually covered her personal spending.

She pleaded guilty to the felony-level charges in late June 2017 and was sentenced in late January 2018. She was also ordered to pay restitution to her former employer, and this meant that her home was sold and the proceeds transferred to the company. The titles to her car and a Harley-Davidson motorcycle was also transferred to the Stockton firm.

Speaking about the case, the district attorney in San Joaquin County said that it should serve as a reminder to companies to use accounting controls that can detect fraud, embezzlement and misuse of funds. Dishonesty insurance coverage can also provide protection for businesses subject to embezzlement.

Fraud and embezzlement cases can be further complicated if federal charges are pursued, which can be possible in situations when the case can be connected to federal programs or regulations or to interstate commerce. As a result, it might be advisable for people who learn that they are under investigation to seek the help of a defense attorney.