As more people have gained access to the internet, certain types of crimes have taken on a digital form. The internet gave millions of people instant access to virtually every type of information they could want, as well as the ability to do other things with less...
If you are computer savvy, you may have people asking you for help all the time. Maybe your co-workers know they can come to you for help with a program, or your friends contact you when they can’t figure out how to fix a glitch they have encountered. If you love the...
Over the last couple of decades, technology has become an increasingly important, and oftentimes necessary, part of our lives. Californians spend much of their working and leisure time on their phones, computers and smart gadgets, which connect everyone across the...
In many ways, today's life is easier than it was 20 years ago. In other ways, however, it can be much more complicated. This is the case when it comes to the Internet and electronic crimes. Offenses that can be committed over the Internet are numerous, and those who...
In last week's blog post, we discussed how selling fake items online can lead to criminal charges. This often occurs when a Californian, without authorization, places another's trademark on their products with the intention of reaping the benefits of that mark. For...
The Internet has become a marketplace that rivals the physical world. The number of online merchants and the variety of products available online is astounding. California retailers and those reselling goods can find themselves in a strong financial position by...
As readers of this blog are well aware, last week we discussed advanced fee schemes, including how they are carried out and how they can spell trouble for those accused of carrying them out. The Internet has changed our world, and the law is trying to keep up. This...
The Internet has revolutionized the way we do business. Though this has been a major improvement for our economy, it has also caused many complications in several Californians' personal lives. Far too often, those trying to conduct business online find themselves...
As the use of technology expands into every facet of our daily lives, more and more opportunities for brushes with the law arise. Yet, due to the complexities of the Internet and the latest technology, it can be difficult for authorities to track down those they...
Sacramento criminal accusations can seriously damage or even completely ruin an individual's life. Therefore, those who are accused of committing a crime, no matter the type, should defend themselves accordingly. However, offenses related to the sexual exploitation of...