People receiving criminal charges might have to face a jury of their peers. This is a stressful situation because you don't know the outcome, but you do realize that your life is hanging in the balance. While knowing what to expect might not take all the stress out of...
Being placed on parole is something that many people see as a positive event. Instead of being stuck in prison, you are able to get out and learn how to live in society again. This gives you a chance to prove that you aren't going to go right back to your former...
Hacking is a computer crime that is against federal law. The Department of Justice has many different statutes that address this and other computer-related crimes. The specific statutes about hacking are in 18 U.S. Code Section 1030, which covers information about...
There are potential changes coming to California's fixed-term system for criminal sentences. On the ballot this fall is Prop. 57, which calls for reducing sentence lengths and making early parole possible for people convicted of certain felonies that the law doesn't...