Federal firearm offenses are very serious. An individual convicted of federal firearms offenses can face prison time, long probationary periods and much more. A person prohibited to possess a firearm can face either federal or state charges. Under federal statute a...
While the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects a person's right to bear arms, there are actually many restrictions on gun ownership. Under the Brady Act, for example, a person cannot own a gun if they were convicted of a crime that is punishable by more...
It may seem unlikely but it is possible to build a successful defense against a weapons charge. It may be prudent for anyone accused of state or federal firearms offenses to hire a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney. Depending on the nature of the...
Federal weapons charges can come with serious consequences. From owning illegal weapons, to selling or trading illegal firearms on the black market, individual's accused of federal firearms offenses face harsh penalties from long prison sentences to hefty fines....
The illegal sale and transport of firearms is a serious offense in the United States. If convicted of federal weapons charges individuals face a range of penalties from prison and probation to fines and fees. While many law enforcement agencies may be involved in an...
Guns have been a major topic of discussion lately. While some lawmakers focus on what they consider the underlying causes of firearms crimes, other legislators focus on regulating the weapons themselves. While agreement may be sparse these days, it appears that the...
In today's cultural climate law enforcement agents throughout the United States take weapons charges very seriously. With so many school shootings and workplace shootings, the recent assault in Aurora, Colorado and the fear of terrorism, it is all too easy to get...
Federal firearms charges should always be taken very seriously. Federal firearms offenses encompass a broad range of criminal activity including the possession of a gun that is not registered to trafficking. According to one recent report, a 29-year-old California man...
A recent post discussed a former United States Navy SEAL from California who was arrested on federal firearms charges for transporting and storing heavy weapons, including military grade explosives and machine guns, with the intent to sell them on the black market.The...
Sacramento residents might be interested to learn a bit about a recent case involving a former U.S. Navy SEAL. A federal jury recently found the man guilty of 13 federal weapons charges, including conspiracy and arms trafficking charges.The veteran turned himself into...