Crime can, and has, pervaded every aspect of California society. Though, this means an individual could have his or her identity stolen, house broken into or physical well-being threatened, it also means that innocent individuals can find themselves facing criminal...
Last week on this blog, we discussed California work-at-home scams and how an individual may be accused of fraudulently acquiring funds from others with the promise of allowing them to work from home. These offenses and other white collar crimes can be heavily...
In California, there are many people who possess an entrepreneurial spirit. However, anyone who has started a business can attest to the difficulties of getting started, particularly when funds are low. These individuals may be tempted to try to secure funds from...
Californians who find themselves handling money and financial transactions in their place of employment are held to an extremely high standard. For most, this does not become an issue, and they are able to carry out their job duties without any problems. For others,...
Several weeks ago we discussed fraud as it relates to medical care and just how damaging it can be to an accused individual's life. Now, three California men are facing this type of fraud allegation, which could land them in legal hot water if not handled correctly....
At times, it really does seem like money makes the world go 'round. Those who have plenty of it often live a life of luxury, while those who struggle to find work, are hit with an unexpected illness, or who care for a large family are often left feeling cheated and...
Every day, Californians are faced with decisions that fall within gray areas. Is it okay to accept money under certain circumstances? Is it alright to give benefits to friends? Will you get in trouble for failing to report certain acts? These are all very important...
Extortion is a very serious white collar crime. White collar crimes are those that often involve some sort of illegal financial gain. Extortion, in short, occurs when you acquire property or money by threatening an individual, his or her loved ones, or property. It...
The law can be confusing. This statement is no surprise to many, but to some, the intricacies of the legal system can be damning. Particularly, those who operate in the corporate world can suddenly find themselves being accused of running afoul of the law. When this...
It may sound frightening, but anyone can find themselves subject of a criminal investigation simply by being at the wrong place, at the wrong time and surrounded by the wrong circumstances. Though this can apply to any criminal offense, it is often particularly true...