Strategic Federal And State Criminal Defense

Federal Internet Crimes Attorney

If you have been charged with using the Internet or other computer technology to commit a federal crime, you need a federal criminal defense law firm with the experience and technical resources to independently investigate your case and aggressively protect your rights.

At the Law Office of Thomas A. Johnson, we defend clients throughout Northern California against serious criminal charges. Whether you have been charged with internet fraud, a sex offense, or any other computer or Internet crime, Sacramento internet crime lawyer Thomas A. Johnson can help.

Fighting To Avoid Or Reduce Serious Criminal Consequences

If you are accused of using the Internet to commit a crime, you can be charged in federal court, where the penalties are harsher and the procedures less flexible than in state court. Our firm defends clients against all types of computer-related charges, including the following:

  • Possession or distribution of child pornography
  • Use of the internet to commit identity theft
  • Illegal sale of prescription drugs online
  • Illegal promotion of Internet gambling
  • Hacking into a computer or network
  • Theft of intellectual property through file sharing
  • Online solicitation of a minor for sexual purposes

If you have been spied upon illegally, entrapped or accused of a crime committed by someone else, our investigators and technical experts will work hard to uncover the truth so defense attorney Thomas A. Johnson can negotiate with prosecutors and fight your charges in court, if necessary.

Sacramento And Placer County Computer Crime Lawyer · 916-248-8598

If you are facing any type of computer- or internet-related federal criminal charge, former federal prosecutor Thomas A. Johnson and the rest of our team will fight for your rights. Do not hesitate to contact us at 916-248-8598 or by email to schedule a consultation.